Project No. 2022.LV/ĢDDV/5 “Together at home, together at work!”

The goal of the project: to create a friendly, creative and interesting place for children to spend their free time at the parents’ workplace within 3 months.

Continuing the started good practice, ensuring the well-being of employees, which consists not only of a suitable and well-equipped workplace and emotional balance, but also the balance of work and private environment. SKK as an employer is empathetic, human and understands the needs of families with children. In order to reduce stressful conditions and the time spent on the road, in those cases when the child does not attend preschool or school (up to 14 years old) and the parent has to perform work duties in person, it is important that the child feels comfortable, safe and not bored at this workplace, the time spent is interesting, creative and instructive.

  • The target group is ICC employees who have children aged 3-14 years (~15


  • Indirect target group – ICC students who have children aged 3-14 years (~54


Place of implementation: ICC secretariat premises, Graudu 68, Riga.

The project implementation period is from June 1, 2022 to August 31, 2022.

Total cost of the project: 2682.00 euros.

#SIF_VietaĜimenei and #VietaĜimenei

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