ESF project No. International College of Cosmetology – Good Governance for a Sustainable Economic Growth

Project summary: 

The nature of the project is to strengthen the capacity of study programmes of the International College of Cosmetology (ICC), activity of the college (incl. academic and administrative staff) to promote the NDP 2020 priority ‘human securitability’ and to create a sustainable development model of civic society, which is ‘healthy’ and capable of taking care of itself and others, through qualitative and transparent activity of ICC.

1. The competitiveness of 2 ICC’s study programmes has increased and a report on the research and provided proposals has been prepared, mapping of 2 study programmes has been ensured. External peer-review has been conducted and study programmes: ‘Therapeutic Massage’ and ‘Aesthetic Cosmetology’ have been improved;

2. ICC’s quality management system has been improved using ISO 901:2015 and EFQM excellence model approach. The activity will result in the formation of academic fairness of ICC, an external peer-review, certification of the quality system and EFQM quality assessment;

3. When creating a governance system for college studies, the development and implementation of the academic records management information systems for the study programmes will be implemented. 15 practical lectures have been digitalised with practical trainings and a platform for e-studies have been created. An external peer-review has been ensured;

4. Two competencies of ICC management staff have been strengthened: English, use of quality and institutional administrative efficiency methods, knowledge of the procurement process;

5. A self-assessment report has been prepared and the ICC strategy has been improved;

6. At the final event, the direct and indirect target groups have been provided with information on the results achieved, maintenance of results and ensuring ICC’s institutional capacity;

7. Information and publicity measures for the implementation of the project;

8. The life cycle management for the ‘International College of Cosmetology – Good Governance for a Sustainable Economic Growth’ project will be implemented using the basic principles of PM² and ISO 21500: ‘Guidance on project management’.

Project partners:

Latvian Association of Physical Medicine and Latvian Association of Beauty Specialists

Project duration: The project implementation period is from September 2018 to 29 February 2020.

Project total costs – 150 000 EUR


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