International College of Cosmetology

Tiek noslēgts sadarbības līgums ar Geomatika Universitāti Malaizijā

January 31, 2023

Saskaņā ar koledžas internacionalizācijas stratēģiju, tiek attīstīta sadarbība ar Āzijas valstīm, lai ne tikai īstenotu personāla un studentu apmaiņu, piesaistītu vieslektorus, bet arī sadarbotos pētniecības projektos un starptautiskajās konferencēs. Valdes priekšsēdētāja Marika Ģederte 27.janvārī noslēdza sadarbības līgumu ar privāto Malaizijas universitāti Geomatika, kura atrodas Kuala Lumpur. Svinīgā ceremonijā sadarbības līguma parakstīšanā piedalījās Prof Mazrin Rohizaq bin Che Rose, the Deputy Group President 2, Prof. Dr. Ismail Bin Haji Omar, Vice [...]

Blended Intensive Program (BIP) Building Bridges With The Art of Communication

July 11, 2022

On 20 & 21st June (online) and from 27th June to 1st July 2022 (in class) our college hosted the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program (BIP) Building Bridges With The Art of Communication. The BIP program is designed to collaborate the Academic & Administrative staff along with the students toward Learning & Training with teamwork, compassion, understanding, interactivity & fun. Participants from Bulgaria, Poland, Lithuania & Latvia participated. Some of the program highlights are shown in the [...]

5th International Scientific Conference has concluded

June 18, 2022

On 9th & 10th June 2022 The International College of Cosmetology, hosted the 5th International Scientific Conference, Innovations in Gerontology, How to Age Harmoniously. Participants, from USA, UK, Portugal, India, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland, participated. The Conference was aimed at encouraging studies that help in promoting healthy lifestyle therapies, enabling people to stay fit & healthy as they grow old. The outcome of this conference is set to put forth many researches and alternative therapies that have not been discussed and are new to the industry. The conference goal is to promote a healthy living culture that enables aging an energetic [...]